Village Conference Centre

Offering ensuite accommodation, meeting and conference rooms, the Village Conference Centre can sleep up to 116 people. All rooms have air conditioning and heating. The minimum number for a group booking in the Village is 40 people.

Explore the Village now with the Warrambui Virtual Tour!


The air conditioned and heated Conference Centre is a large area seating up to 180-200 guests. This area can be divided into two meeting areas when required.


With scenic valley views across the Yass River Valley, the Village dining room seats 84 guests as standard. Additional seating can be arranged for up to 120 diners. Our Dome dining area may also be available for large groups.


Three separate blocks provide air conditioned and heated ensuite accommodation in rooms for two or six guests. A number of rooms are accessible for guests with disabilities or mobility issues.


Each block has a lounge with TV, DVD, lounges, tables and chairs. The lounge areas are ideal for small groups to meet or enjoy time together.

Group accommodation, Canberra, Conference, Excursion

Warrambui, camp, conference, excursion, bushland, peace, group accommodation, view, deck